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Tracking the ups and downs of Axial Seamount

Jason Control Van

Story by Marley Parker Bright lights illuminate rain drops splattering across the back deck of R/V Atlantis. It’s just after 2:00 a.m., but the entire ROV team (and most of our science team) is awake and ready to go to work. Expedition Leader Akel Kevis-Stirling lifts a radio to his ear as the voice of…

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How to catch a plume

Sampling hydrothermal iron with adaptive AUV Sentry dives. A cruise of unusual and uniquely challenging Sentry missions: real-time course modifications, remotely triggered sample collection, and flying the vehicle in midwater.

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NDSF user spotlight: Roxanne Beinart on microbes and deep sea science

Roxanne Beinart, photo by Alex Deciccio. Roxanne Beinart is a professor of biological oceanography at the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography. She’s been using NDSF vehicles since early in graduate school and is a member of the Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC). We sat down with Beinart to hear about how all…

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Increased bandwidth on UNOLS fleet

Aerial view of R/V Atlantis and R/V Neil Armstrong at sea together. Photo by Kent Sheasley © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Aerial view of R/V Atlantis and R/V Neil Armstrong at sea together. Photo by Kent Sheasley © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Both R/V Neil Armstrong and R/V Atlantis will have expanded bandwidth at sea for the rest of 2023. The faster upload and download speeds are part of a fleetwide trial, funded by the Office…

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Science enabled by NDSF vehicles at Ocean Sciences

Ocean Science Meeting 2022 Logo

Learn how data collected from NDSF vehicles is moving science forward. Here are some talks featuring our vehicles at the upcoming 2022 Ocean Sciences Meeting.  28 February CT06 02 12:45pm: C-spec: a deep sea laser spectrometer for measuring the carbon system (dic and pco2), Beckett Colson, MIT-WHOI Joint Program #ROVJason 1 March DS07 02 10am:…

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A hybrid Sentry cruise

People in a conference room talking to people on zoom, ocean floor imagery and people's faces on zoom.

Photo by Chris German, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WHOI geochemist Chris German helped organize virtual planning sessions recently for AUV Sentry dives during the third of three expeditions to study seismicity along the Gofar transform fault in the eastern Pacific. Joining German, who is a co-principal investigator of the 4CAST GOFAR project, in WHOI’s AVAST…

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