Alvin Pre-Cruise Planning
Advance planning is essential if the Alvin Group is to meet its obligations. This is possible only if we are informed of the scientists' expectations well in advance of the cruise. For this reason we request that a preliminary cruise plan be provided at the earliest opportunity. This plan can be in draft form if need be, but it should include the following:
- Complete cruise and dive profile in general terms, but including the best site location information available.
- Equipment requirements and descriptions (dive by dive, if possible) with particular care taken to indicate equipment or services expected to be provided by the Alvin Group or Atlantis.
- Navigation requirements.
- Number of science party members.
- Name, address and telephone numbers of principal scientists to be contacted concerning details of the cruise.
The plan is expected to include many questions but should be as detailed as possible. It should not be based on assumptions; if a piece of standard Alvin equipment is essential to the research, the cruise plan should say so. Written correspondence and telephone calls to designated Alvin personnel are encouraged and can be a valuable source of information. However, this cruise plan and its revision process afford the best means of establishing a definite, workable scheme which will prevent unpleasant surprises and confusion at sea.
Once the preliminary plan is received, the Alvin Group will review it in detail and reply with information and comments helpful to the development of a final cruise synopsis (see examples). Information or questions related to Atlantis will be forwarded to the Marine Operations Coordinator as appropriate.
The following five forms must be completed:
Before Cruise
After Cruise
- Research Vessel Cruise Assessment
- Ship Utilization Cruise Report
- DSOG Sample and Data Log
Copies of these forms will be provided to the Chief Scientist before/during the cruise.