User Supplied Equipment
Scientific Equipment Interfaces
Digital: | RS232 standard ports available (300 through 115,200 Baud) |
Power: | 12, 24 and 48 VDC switched circuits available, custom voltages upon request |
Data: | Instruments can be synced to precision clock (e.g. all the main computer stack, imaging stack, multibeam, sidescan, PHINS gyro are synced) |
** Potentially able to accommodate other digital/power formats and/or quantities.
All science gear connections must be worked out during the pre-cruise process. Please contact
Project-specific sensors interfaced to Sentry by PIs during previous cruises

- DeepSea Power & Light camera and LEDs - MISO Facility, WHOI, USA
- Eh electrode (redox sensor) - Dr. Koichi Nakamura, Japan
- SUspended Particulate Rosette (SUPR) Biological Sampler - Dr. Chip Breier, WHOI, USA
- Sensor for Aqueous Gases in the Environment (SAGE) methane sensor - Dr. Anna Michel and Jason Kapit, WHOI, USA
- Sentry Precision Robotic Impeller Driven Sampler (SyPRID), Large volume, high-resolution, autonomous, deep ocean precision Plankton Sampler
- TETHYS (in situ mass spectrometer) - Dr. Rich Camilli, WHOI, USA