Exploring the Escanaba Trough with Jason and Sentry

The ROV Jason team on a joint Jason and Sentry expedition to explore the Escanaba Trough in June 2022. Pictured: (L-R standing) Ben Tradd, James Pelowski, Gianna Conroy, Gabrielle Inglis, Chris Judge, Scott McCue, (L-R seated, knee) Megan Bachant, Peter Hall, Amanda Sutherland, and Mario Fernandez.
The Escanaba Trough is about 200 miles off the coast of northern California, according to NOAA’s expedition site. A team of scientists explored the area “in order to characterize the hydrothermal sulfide system within the trough" and to "learn more about the hydrothermal minerals, fluids, and organisms that live near active and inactive hydrothermal settings and explore interactions between marine life, the metal sulfide minerals, and the hydrothermal and oceanic environments enveloping both.”
Read the Field Log and browse the (gorgeous) images the team has posted on Twitter.