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HOV Alvin is coming to San Diego this winter

#HOVAlvin and #AUVSentry are coming to San Diego this December for open house event.  The San Diego Union Tribune features interviews of scientists at Scripps Institute of Oceanography who have had HOV Alvin dives recently. “In the age of marine robotics, scientists still jockey for the right to descend miles deep in Alvin, one of the few vehicles in the world that lets people directly examine the life and landscape of the deep blue sea….” (Gary Robbins, The San Diego Union Tribune).

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HOV Alvin is own by the Navy operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Information from #NDSF_WHOI #HOVAlvin program:

Swordfish strike — Dive 202
Marlin strike — Dive 364

The sub never loses power completely — there are always backup and emergency circuits to provide power.