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The team is everything

July 24, 2023

Jason Expedition Leader Chris Judge (left) acting as deck boss for a Jason deployment. Also pictured (left to right): R/V Thompson AB Kate Varberg and Jason Team members Hugh Poponoe,…

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The possibilities are endless

July 21, 2023

 ROV Jason first impressions with early career scientists (Left to right): Texas A&M graduate student Kayla Nedd, WHOI Guest student and Scripps Institution of Oceanography postdoc Emilie Skoog, and Texas…

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The coolest job in the world

July 20, 2023

Jason Team MATE Intern Sarah Sergent preps ROV Jason for a dive to the hydrothermal vents at Axial Seamount during PROTOTAX23. (Photo by Hannah Piecuch, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) When…

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Life and dinner among the microbes

July 17, 2023

The science party on PROTATAX23 with the SUPR Sampler installed on the remotely operated vehicle Jason. Left to right: Texas A&M professor Sarah Hu, MBL scientist Joe Vallino, WHOI Engineer…

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The Maverick Design Choices That May Have Doomed Titan

July 17, 2023

Submersibles must withstand the deep ocean’s crushing pressures, which squeeze with equal force from all sides. At Titanic’s depth – two and a half miles down – every square inch…

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NSF News: Submersible Makes Ocean Discovery

July 11, 2023

Scientists used the submersible, Alvin, to make amazing discoveries, including these ancient deep-sea coral reefs recently discovered within the Galápagos Marine Reserve.

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What is the future of submersibles after Titan implosion?

June 30, 2023

The Titanic submersible’s deadly implosion raised serious questions about the safety and future of vehicles that are sometimes unregulated. NBC News’ Kristen Dahlgren visited the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to…

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Scientists using HOV Alvin aboard R/V Atlantis discover pristine deep-sea coral reefs in the Galápagos Marine Reserve

April 21, 2023
HOV Alvin’s manipulator arm collects samples from rocky outcrop at the crest of a ridge, populated by cold water corals, squat lobsters, anemones, basket stars and deep-sea fish. Credit: Image courtesy of L. Robinson (U. Bristol), D. Fornari (WHOI), M. Taylor (U. Essex), D. Wanless (Boise State U.) NSF/NERC/HOV Alvin/WHOI MISO Facility, 2023 ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Scientists have discovered extensive, ancient deep-sea coral reefs within the Galápagos Marine Reserve (GMR)—the first of their kind ever to be documented inside the marine protected area (MPA) since it was established in 1998. The reef, found at 400-600 meters (1,310-1,970 feet) depth at the summit of a previously unmapped seamount in the central part of the archipelago, supports a breathtaking mix of deep marine life.

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Oregon Public Broadcasting: Deep-sea volcano off the Oregon Coast helps scientists forecast eruptions

March 16, 2023
In this video still, the ROV Jason is being launched on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. It will descend about a mile below the ocean surface to the Axial Seamount. Photo by Stephani Gordon/OPB/OPB.

Oregon Public Broadcasting Reporter Jes Burns on takes a deep dive into monitoring volcanic activity at Axial Seamount—using ROV Jason—and developing future volcanic predictions. Read the whole story here and don’t miss the video version (or its original sea chanty).

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Two new Alvin pilots

January 30, 2023

Rick Sanger (#44) and Nick O’Sadcia (#45) are the newest Alvin pilots, making them qualified to pilot the sub on science expeditions in the deep sea. Rick Sanger is one…

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