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NDSF user spotlight: Roxanne Beinart on microbes and deep sea science

January 27, 2023

Roxanne Beinart, photo by Alex Deciccio. What do you study? I’m a marine microbiologist. I study microbes that are in symbiotic relationships with other organisms-especially those that live at deep-sea…

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Increased bandwidth on UNOLS fleet

January 25, 2023
Aerial view of R/V Atlantis and R/V Neil Armstrong at sea together. Photo by Kent Sheasley © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Aerial view of R/V Atlantis and R/V Neil Armstrong at sea together. Photo by Kent Sheasley © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Both R/V Neil Armstrong and R/V Atlantis will have…

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Diving into ocean data: Meet the NDSF data team

January 15, 2023
Portraits of Tina Haskins, Vicki Ferrini, Scott McCue, Joe Garcia, Hayley Drennon, and Andrew Goodwillie

The National Deep Submergence Facility—home to Alvin, Jason, and Sentry—is more than just an innovator and operator of underwater vehicles. It also manages data collected by those vehicles. And that adds up to a lot of data.

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Going with the flow

January 12, 2023

Science at sea-part two In the spirit of adjustment, I asked scientists on the expedition how their goals and approaches have evolved since we’ve been underway. Here is a sampler…

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The importance of having a plan B (and C, D, E, and F)

January 11, 2023
The successful recovery of Medea after a ship-wide power outage. Jason, which can be seen floating at the end of the tether cable, was recovered shortly after. Photo by Zachary Clayton.

While power outages aren’t excessively common on research cruises, this event does encapsulate the nature of conducting science at sea: anything that can go wrong might go wrong at any given moment and—as happened today—without any prior warning. Chief Scientist Chris German’s mantra is to treat every day at sea like it may be your last day for conducting science, which is why he always has a plan B (and a plan C, D, E, and F if it comes to it).

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Taking Kama’ehuakanaloa’s Temperature After Recent Unrest

January 7, 2023

ROV Hercules sampling for hydrothermal fluid compositions and associated microbiology at the Dragon Cave vent, Kama’ehuakanaloa seamount, during the SUBSEA program co-funded by NOAA and NASA in 2018. The 2023…

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Kama’ehuakanaloa Seamount Hydrothermal Vent Expedition: Expanding Early Career Involvement

January 5, 2023

Early career researchers from various institutions set sail aboard the Kilo Moana Research Vessel today to visit Kama’ehuakanaloa Seamount (formerly known as Lō’ihi), the youngest volcano in the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount…

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Follow EPR Biofilms 4 Larvae

December 21, 2022

Follow a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional team led by Western Washington University microbiologist Shawn Arellano as they explore the role bacterial biofilms play in larval settlement at hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific…

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Alvin Program and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution honored with IEEE Milestone for Technical Innovation and Excellence

October 28, 2022
(L to R) Saifur Rahman, IEEE president-elect, Albert “Sandy” J. Williams, III, Scientist Emeritus, and Peter de Menocal, WHOI President and Director, at the IEEE Milestone dedication for HOV Alvin. (Photo by Jayne Doucette, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) has been recognized by IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization advancing technology, through its Milestone program for the long-running success of its human-occupied…

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CNN: Humans can dive deeper into the world’s oceans than ever before with Alvin

October 15, 2022
Hydrothermal vents deep under the ocean spewing black smoky clouds

  WHOI scientists talk with CNN about what the sub’s latest upgrade means for deep-sea science. Read the whole story. 

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